Manual Conversion Trip 35 Launched by Trip Man
We are pleased to be offering a modified version of the Trip 35 for those photographers who desire more control over their pictures. We have developed a conversion that eliminates the light meter and turns the Trip into a fully manual camera, still taking advantage of the excellent optics of the original.
This means that the user will be able to select the aperture over the range offered by the camera, previously used for flash only. Consequently, focus and aperture may be chosen for individual effect.
Whilst only a single shutter speed of around 1/200th sec. is possible, by the use of an exposure meter or smart phone app. and, combined with our new range of neutral density filters, full image control may be obtained.
Any speed of film can now be used, whereas the automatic Trip 35 is limited to a maximum of 400 ASA. By using faster film, the manual Trip will be useable in lower light situations, as there is no 'red flag' to prevent the shutter firing when the light is low (as is the case with the standard Trip 35). This is great news for lovers of available light photography. (The manual version cannot be used with a flash gun though, due to the 1/200 shutter speed.)
Using filters, the exposure can be controlled so as to enable the use of your desired aperture. A good example of this would be where you want to take a portrait and throw the background out of focus. You want to use a large aperture (e.g. f2.8 or f4) and by using a neutral density filter (which come in varying strengths) you can reduce the amount of light coming into the lens. This means you can open the aperture by between 1 and 3 stops.
We will stock a range of 43.5mm filters to complement the manual cameras. As well as ND filters, we have a range of filters for use in B&W - yellow, orange and red filters, which also affect the contrast of the image.
One of the weaknesses of Olympus Trip 35 cameras over time is the light meter. The selenium cells simply don't last forever. The life of the light meter can of course be preserved if the lens is covered whilst stored, e.g. with a lens cap or case. But we are finding more and more Trips with defective meters. Using these cameras to convert to manual cameras saves them from being scrapped and means they can be useful for many years to come.
We will be making them available as early or late versions and in the same quality leather upgrades as our normal Trips. We want to provide a camera that will last for many years and provide a great user experience. Without a built-in light meter and auto exposure system, there is less to go wrong and the manual camera is likely to be more reliable in the long term.
They are still simple to operate and are ideal for someone wanting to learn more about the basics of photography. They will also appeal to more experienced photographers who will enjoy the creativity offered.
Measuring light to calculate the correct exposure is now easier than ever. There are Apps for mobile phones that perform as digital light meters as well as a range of analogue and digital light meters still available to purchase from camera dealers or on-line retailers like Amazon.
Some photographers will enjoy using the 'Sunny - 16' rule to make their own calculation based on the light conditions. Our cameras will come with an instruction booklet which includes a simple guide to exposure, including an example of the 'Sunny-16' rule.
This launch comes 100 years after the creation of the Olympus brand. We believe this will keep the Olympus Trip 35 and 35mm film alive, providing excellent service for the future generations.